Monday, September 6, 2010

*Three Point Perspective

M.C. Escher's "Relativity"


  1. Good examples. That Raphael painting is one of the most famous examples of 1-point perspective EVER! M.C. Escher is mind-blowing, is he not? I would almost argue that this drawing has even MORE than 3 points, we was just that much the MAN.

  2. The sense of depth & space in The School of Athens is insane! The first time I ever saw it I thought wow, this is one point?? Relativity is ridiculous-that must've taken alot of patience...Its just stunning, b/c you turn it any direction and pick out a new area you hadn't previously noted.

  3. Well, then, here's another one to blow your mind. Look at the figure in the lower portion of the painting who is sitting leaning on a slab of some sort. You'll notice that that slab is in TWO-point perspective and looks a little off as a result. I'm sure Raphael did that on purpose, but it ends up looking as if it has been propped up in the back and we're seeing more of the top of it than we should be.

  4. I've never noticed that before!! Weird! But if he did do that intentionally then why? Its hard to see, but it looks like the dude is drawing something...maybe Raphael wanted the viewer to see/understand what was happening there. Two point as a way for the viewer to better see the top of the slab? In art history we talked about an artist doing that to a table so the viewer could see the contents on it, even though the rest of the room was one point...I'll have to look that painting up again!
